



Hier werden die Unterschiede zwischen zwei Versionen angezeigt.

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Beide Seiten der vorigen RevisionVorhergehende Überarbeitung
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Vorhergehende Überarbeitung
linux:fabian-squeeze_installieren [2011/12/27 15:51] – [Squeeze auf biafan pc] biafanlinux:fabian-squeeze_installieren [2012/01/10 02:11] (aktuell) – [Squeeze auf biafan pc] biafan
Zeile 15: Zeile 15:
     * erstmal kein UI, um danach minimales gnome zu installieren     * erstmal kein UI, um danach minimales gnome zu installieren
   - gnome installieren [[linux:gnome_minimal]]   - gnome installieren [[linux:gnome_minimal]]
 +  - SpeedLink WLAN-USB-Stick: (isl3887usb) [[]]
 +  - VirtualBox [[]] <code bash>// Add to your /etc/apt/sources.list:
 +deb squeeze contrib non-free
 +wget q -O | sudo apt-key add -
 +apt-get update
 +//evtl vorher:
 +apt-get install dkms
 +apt-get install virtualbox-4.1</code>
 +  - rar <code bash>aptitude install rar unrar p7zip-full p7zip-rar</code>
 +=== Nützlich ===
 +recommends in aptitude ausschalten [[aptitude#recommended_packages_nicht_automatisch_mitinstallieren]]
 +=== Befehle ===
 <code bash> <code bash>
 #pakete suchen #pakete suchen
-apt-cache search +apt-cache search SUCHWORT 
 +#paket beschreibung anzeigen 
 +apt-cache show PAKET
 #kernel messages anzeigen #kernel messages anzeigen
 +# nautilus einstellg erweitert bearbeiten 
 +# -> dort zB media_automount deaktivieren 
 +# (bash-)datei ausführen 
 +$ chmod +x file.bin 
 </code> </code>
Zeile 41: Zeile 68:
   - WLAN:   - WLAN:
     - [[]]     - [[]]
 +      * <code bash># in/etc/sysctl.conf einfügen: 
 +# enable WLAN LED
   - "Webcam: Another piece of hardware that may not work after installation is the webcam. For this, you will need the uvcvideo driver. Simply checkout the latest revision of uvcvideo from svn://, and build it from source. (Note, again, the source package included in testing works.). (As of 11092008, the 2.6.26 kernel in testing includes the uvcvideo as a module. And it works very well.)"   - "Webcam: Another piece of hardware that may not work after installation is the webcam. For this, you will need the uvcvideo driver. Simply checkout the latest revision of uvcvideo from svn://, and build it from source. (Note, again, the source package included in testing works.). (As of 11092008, the 2.6.26 kernel in testing includes the uvcvideo as a module. And it works very well.)"
Zeile 51: Zeile 83:
-Infos über Installationspaket: 
-<code bash>apt-cache show PAKET</code> 
linux/fabian-squeeze_installieren.1324997488.txt.gz · Zuletzt geändert: 2011/12/27 15:51 von biafan

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